It is certainly very frustrating if you pay for certain service and do not get any satisfaction from it. Whether it is related to medical care or for baby sitter for your kid or even for some adult entertainment
At the website of you can certainly get quality escorts as they have plenty of clever and gorgeous girls in their registered escort list.
However, following are the few reasons, due to which you may not be amused at all.
1. Your expectation may be unrealistic
This is one of the main reasons why often your encounter with escorts may fail, though they must have tried to do their best. This can happen either it was your first session or the escorts failed to read your mind properly.
2. Your behaviour was rude
If the escort feel that you are too rude to her then it can put her off and she may not be able to give her best services. Quite often even you may not realize that you were too rude to her.
3. Lack of communication with the escort
All escorts may not be an expert in mind reading. So you need to communicate with her enough or else she may not realize what you are exactly looking for. If you are shy to express your need then it may end up in dissatisfaction.
4. You did not read her profile properly
Quite possibly you have not really read her profile very attentively and that is the reason of your disappointment.
5. Could not arrive at time
If you arrived late then she will certainly not accommodate you for the time slot that was agreed as she too has many other back to back appointments with other clients.
6. You only received that you asked
Quite often you must have demanded something about which you have no idea. When escorts provide what you really asked for, then you understand that you expected something else which may disappoint you.
7. Expecting too much from escort
Sometime you may be expecting too high from the escort, which she is not expected to provide. Even doctor and lawyers cannot deliver you unless you provide them timely feedback.
8. Outside environment distracted you
If you allow external environment to influence your private affair with the escort then surely it is going to distract both you as well as the escort. This will certainly affect the performance and can leave you highly dissatisfied.
9. Being drunk
If you are under influence of any alcohol or drug then even the service provider will refuse to entertain you and as a result your purpose of paying for the service will get totally crushed.
10. Failing to explain your needs
Again, if you do not explain the escort or the service provider, exactly what you are looking for then it becomes very difficult for them to satisfy you. After all the escorts is also a human and not an expert mind reader that she will be able to understand all your needs.