You need to be on top of your game when it comes to brand marketing. Customers tend to change their brand preference on a regular basis and if you are not able to attract new or retain existing customers, then it could lead to losses for your company. One of the most effective advertising tools that are sure to grab eyeball of your customers is customized giveaways.
Introducing Customized Water Bottles
People are more health conscious nowadays. Keeping yourself hydrated is very important for your overall health. You can emphasize the health benefits of drinking water by introducing customized water bottles. One of the greatest benefits of using such bottles as a promotional strategy is that these can be reusable and are ecofriendly.
You can get as innovative and creative with your personalized water bottles. If you are into the sports business, you can go in for colorful bottles that are sure to captivate the audience. You can have your company logo and slogan printed on it. You can even have some fun facts about water imprinted on these bottles.
Components That Go to Make Your Customized Bottle the Best
When it comes to advertising your product, you need to select the best designer for your campaign. Some of the components that need to go into your customized water bottles include:
- A high-resolution image of your company logo
- You company name and address
- Your company contact number
- You company website address
- Slogan that you want to go on the bottles
Making the Right Impact on the Customers Matters
Timing matters for any business. Placing the right product at the right place and at the right time is very crucial. Now that you have your customized bottles ready, you need to ensure that it reaches the right audience. You can use your water bottles at corporate events or trade shows. Your reception or conference rooms can have these personalized bottles which can be handed out to the clients or customers.
Personalized bottles can also be given away to celebrate important milestones or employee promotions. These can also be given away to show your appreciation to clients or important customers. Many businesses tend to sponsor marathons or charity runs. If your business is into sponsoring one of them, then you can use your customized water bottles to be placed at water stations, so that people can pick them up.
Another great way of promoting your brand through water bottles is by giving out freebies. Many companies are adopting this strategy for their online campaigns. You can attract potential customers to sign up for online promotions and give away your personalized water bottles. Customized water bottles can also be given out in schools to educate children on the importance of drinking water.
If you have a sports center near your office, you can give your customized water bottles to athletes. They are sure to appreciate this gesture and are likely to promote your brand amongst their peers and social circle.
Bring out your creative side when it comes to designing your water bottles. You can experiment with different designs and styles and choose one that best suits your company image.