
Solar Electricity Is Answer to The Power Requirements of Your Home

Solar energy is gaining ground due to its benefits. It is a renewable source of energy and available in abundance. Solar power panels absorb solar energy from the sun and transform it into electricity. The cost of installing solar cell systems in homes is coming down every year making many to switch to solar. Those who are thinking about improving the energy efficiency in their residence can consider using solar equipment

Finding out about your energy requirements:

So as to choose the ideal renewable energy system, you are required to inspect the electricity load in your home. The wattage and average hour usage of every electrical device must then be recorded. Using the values collected annual energy consumption can be calculated by multiplying daily consumption value with a number of days every device is used annually. By knowing your consumption you’ll know what size of electricity generation system you will need.

Small solar electric systems are reliable and cost-effective. They are capable of meeting the small and large electrical requirements. El Av Sol team are based in Vasteras and aid in the designing and instalment of solar cell systems. Their products are made with high-quality equipment and come with a long warranty. Reach out to them to know more about which unit would suit your requirements and get it installed.

Setting up solar panels at home is beneficial in a number of ways. Apart from cutting energy costs, it also contributes to energy independence.

Energy savings:  

The top reasons for turning to solar power are the low monthly utility bills. The extent of savings will depend on the following:

  • Electricity consumption
  • Size of the solar energy system
  • Whether you have purchased or leased your energy system
  • Number of hours of daily sunlight
  • Angle of roof
  • Local electricity rates

Increased property value:

Setting a solar panel at your place is an upgrade just like a finished basement or a renovated kitchen. According to research conducted, for every additional $1 saved in the energy bill, the property value increases by $20. This differs based on the below factors.

  • Location of your house
  • Size of the solar unit
  • Value of your house – Larger houses receives higher nominal boosts whereas this increase is considerably smaller when taking the total home value into consideration

The solar unit works everywhere:

You don’t have to reside in a sunny location to reap the benefits. Even on a cloudy day, the indirect sunlight will be absorbed by the solar panel which is more than sufficient to meet your electricity requirement.

Help the environment:

Harmful chemicals are emitted when fossil fuels are burnt to derive electricity which results in climate change and air pollution. Installing solar panels would aid in curbing these harmful emissions. Solar energy requires almost no water to operate. Unlike fossil fuels solar doesn’t pollute water resources and doesn’t add up to the strain on water supply.

After getting solar cell systems installed, it is important to keep it clean and check it often for visible damage. Ensure that the repair and maintenance works are taken care of by professionals, so that your warranty can be applied.